Thursday, May 26, 2011

Clean Your Plate !

Sitting at the dinner table my well meaning Father said “You have such a pretty face, if only you'd lose the weight”. This was something I heard daily from the time I was 13 years old, until I moved out on my own at 16.   At the same time “Clean your plate” was a common phrase used at our dinner table.  I bet you heard it too.  Man, those poor starving kids in _______ (fill in the blanks). These were confusing messages.  Clean my plate, but lose the hell was that ever going to happen??  My Mom and Step Mom always stayed thin, while my Dad and I struggled with weight.  They thought if they fed me like a bird and controlled what I ate, I'd melt away right in front of their eyes.   WRONG !! That just taught me to hide food in my room and binge.  Later in life, a man I was with said “Are you sure you wanna eat that?” With a smile on my face I calmly turned to him and said “ sure you want to say that to me, while I'm holding this knife in my hand?”  Silly fool....needless to say we parted ways.

We celebrate with food, we're bribed with food, and we develop a love/hate relationship with food, all before we reach puberty.  I've tried hiding behind “fat & happy”.   I've tried to hide behind “I'm curvy”.  Hell, in my 40's I was still using “this is baby fat”.   Come one, really Marianne ??!!  My weight gain was all me, I did that, there was no one else to blame.  Sure, I had good reasons to run to food, or at least I thought they were good.  But I have even better reasons now to just walk away.  No more running to or from food for me. It's all about living!! For the first time in my life, I'm in control.   I celebrate the woman I am today, not with junk food, but with nutrition.  Some days are easier than others, but it's progress not perfection.

Recently, I've learned valuable lessons about this wellness program.   My brain, my body, and my life does not function without it.  I missed 6 days of nutrition, due to my order being lost in transit.  I was a walking glob of Jello.  I couldn't focus, I spoke inside out, I could hardly read, words were getting jumbled, I couldn't sleep, and I was having aches and pains again.   Boy was I cranky too!  The second my package arrived, I went into full wellness mode.   In about 2 days I started feeling like my well self again.

My intention is to be a living, breathing, authentic role model for my daughters.   I want to teach people about this product, and bring this amazing gift to light.  I want to bring my Fibromyaliga friends, my Sarcoid friends and my Isafamily together...and allow the sharing to begin.   Together we can heal.  Together we are stronger.  Wellness is something we were born with, it's time to get it back!  Claim your wellness, fight for it.  Know that you deserve to feel better and live a truly healthy life.   If I can do this, trust me, ANYONE CAN!!  Let go and let it in.  Believe!  It just takes one foot in front of the other..YOU CAN DO IT!!

Love & blessings...

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