Thursday, May 5, 2011

If You Say So

It's been a few months since my last entry....and this times it's NOT due to health problems...nope, it's due to my WELLNESS!! I'm feeling fantastic and I'm out there living life!!! Close to 7 months ago I started this wellness journey with high expectations, both with the product and with myself. I didn't believe I'd make it this far. My pattern was starting something, and never following through. Listing the many excuses as to WHY I CAN'T. After all, I've been sick for far too long, this was never going work long term. I gained a clue, and lost weight, inches, and inflammation!

This gift has opened my eyes to the endless possibilities in life, there is NOTHING I can't do. This is NOT a diet...I love saying that!! A friend asked me “So, hows the diet going?” I smiled and said “I don't diet...I don't do anything with the word DIE in it. I just aligned myself to my wellness path. I'm living now”. It's really that simple. I live my life..moment by moment. I enjoy food, but this time in a much healthier way. I'm no longer looking for food to comfort pain..both emotional and physical.

Today I don't have a problem keeping up, “they” have a problem keeping up with me. I fuel my body with the best nutrition on the planet, and I've given this body a new lease on life. To think I almost fell into the “can't afford it” sink hole...oh boy what a sad excuse that is. Nope, I believe spending my hard earned money on nutrition rather then giving away to the drug companies is the best investment I could ever make. I believe in I am worth the investment...I believe, therefore I see.

I'm free to live an abundant life, the life I deserve. A life of wellness, peace, and joy. We can only give away what we have. You are what you think. Now, when someone tells me “I can't afford it” I say with love in my heart “If you say so”. Because it's out there if you want it bad enough, you just have to realign your way of thinking. If you believe you're going to have a fantastic day full of abundance or you believe you're going to have a rotten day full of're right!

Make this life present in the gift. You deserve it.

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