Thursday, November 4, 2010

Caution, Slippery Slopes ahead.

I walked acrossed the slippery slope, even though I knew it was wrong. As I reached into the Halloween candy, I began rationalizing my move “I can handle it. I've lost 20 lbs. Hell, I deserve one”. I wasted no time, I inhaled that candy bar like a pro. I'm not 100% sure I removed the wrapper, to tell ys the truth. Yes, It was THAT bad! That was it, I failed again. The worse part was I wasn't craving it, it was just there. Let the negative self talk begin...and boy did it.

The following morning I started my day clear headed, but sick as hell. I thought “I've done it now. I'm going to explode or something right? Ok God, I get it, message received.” As things began returning to normal, I became profoundly aware of just how much my body has transformed, both inside and out. My body wanted nothing to do with that little snack size candy bar, and it was going to make sure I knew that. The negative voices in my head on the other hand, thats my daily struggle.

My environment is stronger then my will power. My stinkin thinkin got me to this chapter in my life, and I believe it's best if I just follow the path placed in front of me, and stop trying to control everything. I need to get out of my way, and allow the gift to work. It doesn't take long for the negative voices to start in, and try to convince us we're not worth it, or we don't deserve to be happy and healthy. Then we react and make a B-line towards the slippery slopes. Instead of reacting, lets respond. Let's tell the negative voices “WE CAN DO THIS! Yes, are worth it. There's no cheating, it's a LIFE STYLE CHANGE! We can start over, WE CAN'T FAIL!”

With my Wellness program in place, my family's encouragement, my health angel Mindy by my side, and feeling the benefits each day, as I get better and better....I am able to face my Medical Beasts head on. On the days I don't feel strong enough, and find it hard to believe in myself, I draw on the belief they have in me. I read the encouragement letters they've placed in my Transformation Folder, and I journal like a mad woman.

Reaching out to others is NOT a sign a weakness. It's a sign of courage. If you are in need of a've got the tools right in front of you. You don't have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step. YOU CAN DO THIS!!!


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