For me, going beyond my form meant getting out of MY way. I look back at the list of excuses I allowed myself to hide behind for years, and cringe. Growing up with learned behavior is one thing, but being a grownup, and allowing those same behaviors to define our adult life..well thats just sick. I for one, was sick of being sick and tired.
I'm baffled when I hear intelligent people come up with lame excuses, rationalizing their way back into their ruts. When I hear “I can't afford it” I can't help but laugh. Trust me, I said the same thing. But, then I opened my eyes and realized I it was simply about redirecting my monthly food funds. I was one of those that said “It's cheaper to eat off the dollar menu.” So NOT true.
Try this little exercise. Take last months bank statement, or even the last two months, and highlight the dollar amount for each trip you made to a fast food joint or restaurant in bright yellow. Write the total month or months on the top of your bank statement. Be sure to highlight that total as well. Hell, just for giggles, do the same for your trips to the market. This was a real eye opener for me.
When I made the decision to redirect my money, I redirected my life! I was putting money back into my pocket book, and not funding my excuses. I was saving money on prescriptions for the first time in 8 years. I began to crawl out from under the mountain of medical bills. I could breath again.
Sure, you can use the excuses “I can't afford it” or “I just don't have the funds, right now” I don't need them anymore. But, know this my friends, if you took the money you spend on your daily coffee or soda, or on your dollar menu, and invested that in YOU, we're talking a little more the 2 bucks a meal, you could truly transform your life in more ways then you ever thought possible. You could even add to your income stream, without leaving your current job if you wanted too. The possibilites are endless!!
If you want it bad enough, you will find a way. I believe in you...and I'm here to help when you are ready.
Transformation literally means going beyond your form ~ Wayne Dyer