Thursday, May 19, 2011

Change Is Beautiful

I'm a very proud Dyer Do'er. I admire Dr. Wayne Dyer, well that may be putting it lightly, I LOVE this man with ever single fiber of my being!!   He is a gift, an amazing paternal presence, and true blessing in my life. I am profoundly grateful to have him as my teacher.  He is a loving guide and without knowing it, he has held my hand through major transitions in my life. I owe him everything.

I've been listening to Dr Dyer's CD's on my way into work, it's a great cure for road rage. This morning I was listening to the final chapter in Excuses Begone, a MUST read.   He said “We don't attract what we desire, we attract what we are.” Now come much easier can it get, really?! Ever notice when you're in a funk..the whole words in a funk. Or if you're rushing around in a panic...nothing seems to go right. “When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change”, another Dyer quote I live by.

He's taught me about raising my vibration to a higher place of love and light, and connecting to my higher power. The past few days I've allowed myself to slip back into old thinking habits. My husband was laid off from his job of 6 years, and we lost a very large chunk of income. Panic set in for a moment, and I suddenly wanted to dive into a huge bowl of Ben & Jerry's and a Keylime pie. 

The shock wore off, and I was able to turn on my inner Dyer. I reminded myself “with God all things are possible”. You don't have to believe in God to believe in your highest self. Call it what ever you want. When I get centered, and affirm that we have everything we need right in front of us, and we only need to do the foot work, the panic disappears. So does the need to self medicate with food.

It's no accident that Dr. Dyer came into my life around the same time as my wellness coach Mindy. She too is a Dyer Do'er. She is on a wellness mission, and I am proud to be part of it. Together we are sharing this wellness system and hope with others living with limitations. When I am able to share my story and show others the transformation happening in my love & light vibration level soars through the roof. It reaffirms my purpose in life. This product, my coach, and my teacher Dr. Dyer are all part of the universes master plan. I am excited to see how the rest of the plan unfolds...stay tuned. Life is beautiful!

Blessings, love and light,

“There is a voice in the Universe urging us to remember our purpose for being on this great Earth. This is the voice of inspiration, which is within each and every one of us”. Dr. Wayne Dyer

1 comment:

  1. Gosh, I am so humbled by your words. You inspire me every day and lift me higher. I know what you mean about when you are sharing your life on purpose ....the love and light vibration glorious Mare!! In gratitude
